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2017 Summer Camps (@ Ho-Ho-Kus location)

June 25-29th.
Pre-Summer Nationals Camp. Hours 10am-4pm
Suitable for competitive fencers in preparation for the Summer National Fencing Championship (July 1-10)

July 17-21th
Beginners/Intermediate Camp. Hours 10am – 6pm
Good opportunity to start or improve your skills in fencing. Suitable for beginners and intermediate level. Field outings, general fitness improvement. Footwork, drills, free bouting. Private lessons available on request.

July 17-27th
Riga, Latvia International Camp
Join members of Cadet, Junior and Senior Men and Women Russian Team as well as fencers from St Petersburg, Moscow and Moscow Region Clubs, fencers from Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Turkey.

August 7-12
Bergen Fencing Club International Camp. Hours 10am-4pm
Join Cadet, Junior, Senior National Russian and Georgian Sabre Teams.
Special guests include:
Coach Alexander Panteleev
Fencers: Alexandra Shatalova, Ekaterina Titova, Anna Bashta, Nikita Inkov, Ivan Lebedev and more.
In addition possible participants include fencers from Texas and Oregon and NY Clubs Conditioning, Footwork, Drills, Bouting.
Fencers must be USFA ‘D’ Rated or above to participate.

August 14 – 18th
Beginners/Intermediate Camp. Hours 10am – 4pm
Second during this summer Beginners/Intermediate Camp. Another opportunity to start/ improve your skills in fencing. Suitable for beginners and intermediate level. Field outings, general fitness improvement. Footwork, drills, free bouting. Private lessons available on request.

August 28 – September 1
Elite Camp. 10am-4pm
Conditioning, footwork, drills, bouting. Minimal requirement is ‘D’ rating. Private lessons available on request.

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